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Equipment for Quality Control and R&D+i

Clemen Scratch tester

Specifications allow for use of either the (preferred) mechanised or hand operated apparatus. A test panel is clamped to a slide which slowly withdraws the panel while a needle scratches the surface. Tests are conducted either on a ‘go/no go’ basis using a single specified load or by increasing the load to determine the minimum load at which the coating is penetrated.

Clemen Scratch tester
Specifications allow for use of either the (preferred) mechanised or hand operated apparatus. A test panel is clamped to a slide which slowly withdraws the panel while a needle scratches the surface. Tests are conducted either on a ‘go/no go’ basis using a single specified load or by increasing the load to determine the minimum load at which the coating is penetrated.

Complies with BS 3900;E2, ISO 1518

Also available, loop stylus version BS 3900 : E17/ISO 12137-1

N.B. Other specifications available ASTM D5178,D2197


Referencia Description Quotation Request
203000M001 Manual Clemen scratch Tester Quotation Request
203000M003 Automatic Clemen scratch Tester Quotation Request



ISO 1518.

Maintenance service and calibration

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