Hardness Test Kit

The Hardness Test is a pocket instrument for testing the hardness and wear/scratch resistance of materials such as coatings, lacquers, plastics or related products.

he Hardness Test is a pocket instrument for testing the hardness and wear/scratch resistance of materials such as coatings, lacquers, plastics or related products. A tungsten carbide tip is drawn over the surface with a defined constant pressure. The pressure on the tip can be changed using the slide or by changing the spring. A visual mark on the surface after use of the Hardness Test indicates a fail of the surface hardness or wear/scratch resistance. Can be used on flat and curved surfaces.

The Instruments is supplied with 3 springs:

  •  0-3N:   0-300 grams graduation 10 g
  •  0-10N:  0-1000 grams  graduation 50 g
  •  0-20N:  0-2000 grams graduation 100 g

The laser-engraved scale is clearly visible on the grey background. The diameter of the tip is Ø1 mm. Tips of Ø 0.75 mm (Bosch) and Ø 0.5 mm (van Laar) are available as an option.



Reference Description Buy
0300700 Hardness Tester Pen HPS with 3 spring and 1 mm tip Request quotation
0300701 Testing tip 0,5mm (van Laar) for HPS Request quotation
0300702 Testing tip 0,75mm (Bosch) for HPS Request quotation
0300703 Testing tip 1mm (ISO 1518) for HPS Request quotation
0300705 Hand Trolley for ​Hardness Tester HPS Request quotation