Pycnometers and Density
Stainless Steel Pycnometer
This Pycnometer is a stainless steel precision instrument to determine the specific weight of paints and similar products.
Daniel Flow Gauge
Daniel Flow Gauge is a simple instrument is used to assess the ability of thick or paste-like materials such as paints or printing inks to flow. The product is poured into a semi-cylindrical reservoir. When the instrument is lifted vertically, the product runs on a graduated plate, which is fixed perpendicular to the reservoir. The distance covered in a given time is the measure of the fluidity.
Leveling and Cobwebbing Index
Enables testing with each side of the applicator. Leveling: 5 pairs of grooves 0.25, 0.5, 1.01, 2.03 and 4.06 high and 1.5mm wide, spaced apart 2mm. Cobwebbing: 10 heights of grooves, groove width 6mm, distance between grooves 1.5mm. Width is 100m.