Rapid Tester, flash point verification

The most advanced instrumentation for flash point verification. Simple to operate, the Rapid Tester is ideal for routine flash point testing.

The most advanced instrumentation for flash point verification.
Simple to operate, the Rapid Tester is ideal for routine flash point testing.

Rapid Tester:

Fast Test-Small SampleTest time is only one minute with a 2 ml sample for flash points below 212°F (100°C). You can run ten tests with the

Rapid Tester perform just one by other methods - an impressive accomplishment. The 2 ml/4 ml sample is a fraction of the large sample required by other flash point methods. This reduces sampling and disposal problems while improving safety.® in the time that it takes toTwo ModelsThe Rapid Tester RT-01 has a testing range from -22° to

572°F (-30° to 300°C). Open Cup Model

RT-02 tests for flash point levels from ambient to 212°F (100°C).® Closed Cup ModelCompare ResultsIndependent laboratory testing has
demonstrated that the ASTM D 3828 test method utilized by the Rapid Tester®correlates well with other flash point methods. In ASTM D-2 Round Robin testing it was found that the ASTM D 3828 test method has the following correlation coefficients:

D 3828 (Rapid Tester
vs. D 56 (Tag) = 0.9949
D 3828 (Rapid Tester
vs. D 93 (Pensky-Martens) = 0.9943
D 56
vs. D 93 = 0.9926

With better than 99% comparability you can use the Rapid Tester confidence.


Reference Description Buy
0243400 Flash Point Rapid Tester RT-02 - Open cup Request quotation
0243500 Flash Point Rapid Tester RT-01 Request quotation