TABER Rotatory Platform Abraser
The TABER® Rotary Platform Abraser (Abrader) was developed to perform accelerated wear testing. First introduced in the 1930\'s, this precision built instrument rapidly became the world standard for evaluating abrasion resistance. Since its inception, the Taber Abraser has been used for quality & process control, research & development and material evaluation. Used to test a wide spectrum of materials, the abraser (abrader) has been referenced in numerous standards and specifications and is frequently called a Rotary Platform Dual (Double) Head Tester.
The TABER® Abraser (Abrader) is available in two models - single or dual specimen tables. Both offer the same durable design and can be used interchangeably. With the introduction of the model 5135 and 5155, Taber Abrasers are now available as 115/230V; 60/50Hz switchable and offer many new features.
TABER® Abraser (Abrader) - Model 5135
Model 5135 (shown in above picture) features a single specimen turntable.
* Model 5135 [part# 985135]
* CE approved
TABER® Abraser (Abrader) - Model 5155
Model 5155 features a dual specimen turntable, which allows you to perform two tests simultaneously (test two different or identical specimens for comparison or contrast). Separate function keys operate the turntables independent of each other.
* Model 5155 [part# 985155]
* CE approved
All TABER Abrasers are assembled in a sturdy, sealed aluminum housing and operated by a Control Panel Membrane.
A vacuum system is included with each abraser, and is critical for the proper operation of the instrument. The vacuum nozzle(s) is hinged to an adjustable mounting at the rear of the housing. This allows the height to be modified for accommodating varying specimen thickness.
Precision stainless steel weights of 250 grams and 750 grams are furnished to provide standard wheel loads of 500 and 1000 grams. NOTE: Weights are marked to show total load on each wheel. This marking includes the weight of the abrading arm.
Incorporated into the rear of the abraser are two additional electrical receptacles. Conveniently marked, each receptacle has been designated for the vacuum system or an optional accessory instrument.
Up to ½" thick specimens, are mounted to a rotating turntable and subjected to the wearing action of two abrasive wheels, which are applied at a specific pressure.
Characteristic rub-wear action is produced by contact of the test sample, turning on a vertical axis, against the sliding rotation of two abrading wheels. The wheels are driven by the sample in opposite directions about a horizontal axis displaced tangentially from the axis of the sample. One abrading wheel rubs the specimen outward toward the periphery and the other, inward toward the center. The resulting abrasion marks form a pattern of crossed arcs over an area approximately 30 square centimeters.
An important feature of the TABER® Abraser (Abrader) is the wheels traverse a complete circle on the specimen surface. This reveals abrasion resistance at all angles relative to the weave or grain of the material.
Test parameters can be altered, which enables the user to determine the optimal setting for each product or material. The TABER Abraser (Abrader) allows you to select:
* Load
o standard range includes 250g, 500g and 1000g
o optional counter weights increase range to 75g, 125g, 325g, 375g, 825g and 875g
* Abradants
o wide selection of Taber wheels available (resilient or vitrified)
o specialty wheels
o custom formulations
* Vacuum level
o programmable from keypad
o adjustable vacuum nozzle clearance
o range from 50% to 100%
* Test Duration
o programmable up to 50,000 cycles
* Conditions
o wet or dry
Each turntable has dual abrading arms that are precision balanced. Independently operated, the abrading arms can be raised (or lowered) to mount or inspect specimens. Each arm is loaded for 250 gram pressure against the specimen with the wheel mounting assembly in place (exclusive of the weight of the wheel). To increase the load to 500 or 1000 grams, a mount for auxiliary weights is located on the outside of the abrading wheel bearing assembly. The location ensures that weights are concentric with the abrading wheel. A stud on the rear end of the abrading arm is used to carry an optional counterweight (used to reduce the wheel load 125 or 175 grams). The stud is also used to hold an abrading wheel as a counterweight to compensate for the weight of the working wheel.
Taber Rotary Platform Abrasers (Abraders) are capable of providing reliable data in a matter of minutes, compared to the years that may be required by in-use testing.