Posi­Tec­tor DPM, Dew Point Meter

Posi­Tec­tor DPM new dew point meter bring a new level of con­fi­dence to the paint­ing con­trac­tor and inspec­tor.

 Mea­sure and record cli­matic param­e­ters includ­ing air tem­per­a­ture, sur­face tem­per­a­ture, dew point tem­per­a­ture and the dif­fer­ence between sur­face and dew point tem­per­a­tures, which is crit­i­cal for deter­min­ing con­den­sa­tion prob­a­bil­ity. This meter is ideal for sur­face pre­pa­ra­tion, as required by ISO 8502-4.


  • A large, easy-to-read graphic LCD dis­play with mul­ti­lin­gual sup­port along with a two-but­ton menu-driven user inter­face make this gage easy to oper­ate.
  • Rugged indoor/out­door instru­ment is sol­vent, acid, oil, water and dust resis­tant – take it any­where
  • Graph Mode charts all five param­e­ters for quick anal­y­sis
  • Slid­ing cover on the sen­sor pro­tects it when not in use and the white hous­ing reduces the effect of direct sun­light for greater pre­ci­sion
  • Sen­sor also has a soft rub­ber grip for easy han­dling and can be removed to accu­rately spot check hard-to-reach areas
  • Quick recov­ery fea­ture – built-in heat­ing ele­ment removes con­den­sa­tion from probe ... always a fac­tor when any instru­ment is moved from a cold to a warm envi­ron­ment
  • Audio and visual alarm indi­cates when cli­matic con­di­tions are unsuit­able for paint­ing
  • Back­glow dis­play for dim or dark envi­ron­ments
  • Inter­nal mem­ory stores up to 2500 datasets
  • Data log­ger mode auto­mat­i­cally records datasets at user selected time inter­vals – ideal for unat­tended oper­a­tion to record cli­matic trend


NEW PosiTector DPM IRDew Point Meter with Infrared Surface Temperature Sensor





Reference Description Buy
DEF-DPM DPM built in probe for Positector (air and surface temperature, relative humidity, dewpoint) Trazable Calibration Certificate Included Request quotation
DEF-DPM1 Dew Point Meter Positector DPM1 (Relative humidity, air temperature, surface temperature, dew point temperature) Request quotation
DEF-DPM3 Dew Point Meter Positector DPM3 build in probe, advanced (Relative humidity, air temperature, surface temperature, dew point temperature) Request quotation
DEF-DPMA DPM built in probe for Positector (Wind Speed, air and surface temperature, relative humidity, dewpoint) Request quotation
DEF-DPMA1 Wind Speed - Dew Point Meter Positector DPMA1, build in probe, standard (Wind Speed, Relative humidity, air temperature, surface temperature, dew point temperature) Request quotation
DEF-DPMA3 Wind Speed - Dew Point Meter Positector DPMA3 build in probe, advanced (Wind Speed, Relative humidity, air temperature, surface temperature, dew point temperature) Request quotation
DEF-DPMD DPMD Cabled Probe with NPT Threads for PosiTector Request quotation
DEF-DPMD1 Dew Point Meter Positector DPMD1 cable probe, standard (Relative humidity, air temperature, surface temperature, dew point temperature) Request quotation
DEF-DPMD3 PosiTector DPM D3 Advanced Dew Point Meter w NPT Threads Request quotation
DEF-DPMIR DPM IR built in probe for Positector (air and surface temperature, relative humidity, dewpoint Request quotation
DEF-DPMIR1 Dew Point Meter Positector DPM IR 1, build in probe, standard (Relative humidity, air temperature, surface IR temperature, dew point temperature) build in probe, standard (Relative humidity, air temperature, surface IR temperature, dew point temperature) Request quotation
DEF-DPMIR3 Dew Point Meter Positector DPM IR 3 build in probe, advanced (Relative humidity, air temperature, surface IR temperature, dew point temperature) Request quotation
DEF-DPMS DPM separate probe for Positector (air and surface temperature, relative humidity, dewpoint) Request quotation
DEF-DPMS1 Dew Point Meter Positector DPM1, cable probe, standard (Relative humidity, air temperature, surface temperature, dew point temperature) Request quotation
DEF-DPMS3 Dew Point Meter Positector DPM3, cable probe, advanced (Relative humidity, air temperature, surface temperature, dew point temperature) Request quotation