Termographes, radiometers and UV tunnels.

Squirrel OQ610 temperature data logger

The OQ610 temperature logger is suitable for a wide range of temperature recording applications in industry, research and development. It is available as a standalone temperature logger or as part of a complete system for through process monitoring in the food and paint industries.

Microcure miniature radiometer

This small size allows it to be placed in tight areas and to work well for small container curing.

PALM Probe radiometer, Production Ambient Light Measurement

The PALM Probe use to measure system performance in applications where space is limited or the UV source is difficult to access (such as label, web & converting applications)

Power Puck II and Uvicure Plus II Radiometer

Ideal instruments for all UV curing applications including inks, adhesives, coatings and resins. Establish the optimum level for curing; then measure and maintain this level for production. * Measure lamp performance * Compares the efficiencies of different UV curing systems * Compare any current reading to chosen baseline reference to compare your system over time * Establish UV level for proper curing

UV PowerMAP and UV MAP Plus

El UV PowerMAP y el UV MAP Plus son avanzados sistemas de medición que pueden medir y almacenar la energía UV irradiada e información de la temperatura en un proceso de curado de una o más lámparas. El UV PowerMAP puede medir simultáneamente en 4 canales mientras que el UV MAP Plus lo hace en un solo canal.

Mini UV 3DCure

3DCure is a unique system for measuring the energy density (J/cm²) and peak irradiance (W/cm²) accurately on large and/or multi-dimensional objects
